
Who's King of the watering hole?

30 Nov 2013

The story so far:

Ranger Rom and Romiko were enjoying their first night in the African wilds, sitting around the campfire toasting marshmallows. Then, who should turn up but Lisha Leopard, hungry for human and tortoise snacks! However, with some quick thinking and a bit of flattery from her intended victims, she’s now a buddy. A new member of the gang, in fact - with a taste for marshmallows! Now, read on …

Next morning, Ranger Rom, Romiko and Lisha Leopard are trekking across the savanna on safari. Ranger Rom is hitching a ride in Romiko’s backpack.

Ranger Rom Hey Lisha - why are you lagging behind? Keep up why don’t you!

Romiko, Ranger Rom and Lisha, where Lisha is tired

Lisha Yaawn! Just cos you’ve managed to hitch a ride, you old plodder! I’m normally nocturnal - a creature of the night!

(She looks around) Now, a friendly tree branch would do just nicely for a nap …

Romiko (pointing) Hey, look, a waterhole - up ahead!

Ranger Rom Oh yes, with an island in the middle …

Lisha (Smiles to herself) What, are they blind or something? That ain’t no island …

(They get closer to the waterhole)

Romiko Listen - what’s that?

Ranger Rom What?

(They listen intently)

Romiko Sounds like some kind of rattle!

Lisha That aint no rattle!

Ranger Rom Look - it’s coming from those birds … hopping around that island!

Lisha (smiling) They really wouldn’t have a clue! Those birds are oxpeckers, and they’re warning the “island” of our approach, must be a big animal there -

Romiko Hey - the island’s grunting!

Ranger Rom And moving - up out of the mud!

At the Watering Hole, some sort of wild animal

Lisha It’s a rhino, you dumbos! A southern white rhino, by the look of him.

(She strolls over to him). Hey Rhino, what’s happenin’ dude?

Reth Oh, hey Leopard. (He shakes his head and snorts - two of the birds fly out of his big ears)

At the Watering Hole, some sort of wild animal

Reth That’s enough now guys - thanks for the cleaning job!

Mr Ollie: You’re welcome big fella - but we’re not going very far!

Mrs Roxy: We haven’t even started on your ticks yet! They look particularly juicy today!

Reth (modestly) Those birds just love my ticks! And they especially like my earwax! Tastiest earwax around, they reckon …

Lisha Eww - disgusting! They better not come near me, or they’ll be lunch!

(Romiko and Ranger Rom venture closer)

Romiko Hey Lisha - are you gonna introduce us?

Lisha Oh yeah. Rhino - these are a couple of dudes I’ve taken under my paw - Ranger Rom and Romiko.

Reth And I’m Rhino Reth. Snort!

Ranger Rom How doody, Reth!

Reth Hurrumph! Rhino Reth is actually my full title! ‘Reth’ means king - and that’s what I am around here. King of the Waterhole!

Lisha (quietly) King of the Mud Puddle, more like it! (Loudly) So, Rhino Reth, why is a King of the Waterhole wearing that silly hat?

At the Watering Hole, with Rhino Reth and the

Reth (Starting to blush) Ermm … well … (Mr Ollie and Mrs Roxy the oxpeckers swoop past, chortling)

Mrs Roxy: He may look as though he has the hide of a rhinoceros, but he’s actually very sensitive, poor baby! He likes to hide his horn -

Reth That’s enough, O … !

Mr Ollie: And he gets plagued by insect bites!

Reth (Roars) Quiet, O … ! (to the others) Harrumph!! Don’t believe a chirrup of it! Darn pesky birds …

Lisha (smiling sweetly) That’s why you’re so-called King of the Waterhole! You get protection from us and the insects from wallowing in that puutrid mud!

Reth Hmph! Darn fine mud! Top of the range, A-grade, glorious mud!

Romiko Mud fit for a king, in fact!

Reth Darn right! (He pauses, listening) Hey - what’s that noise?

Ranger Rom RR: What noise? (They all listen)

Romiko I can’t hear anything …

Reth Well, I have got exceptional hearing -

Lisha (quietly) Lucky, cos you’re as blind as a bat!

Reth Can’t you hear it? That thumping noise … (He points with his horn) Look! (The others swing around)

Lisha Grrowl!! What on earrrth is it? Some giant hopping thing …

Ranger Rom I can’t believe it! Its -

Romiko A kangaroo!

Ranger Rom But -

Romiko what in heck is a kangaroo doing - on the African veldt!?

To find out just what a kangaroo is doing on the African veldt, watch out for the next installment of Ranger Rom’s African Safari Adventures!

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