
Who's behind the bush?

01 Sep 2013

The story so far:

Romiko has rescued Ranger Rom from his life of pet slavery in a dusty office terrarium. Together they’ve escaped the city to go on safari, to the wilds of deepest Africa. It’s their first night around the campfire, but they’ve just heard some terrifying roars - very close …

Romiko jumps up and brandishes the marshmallow toasting stick. Great protection - not!

Romiko It’s definitely a lion or a leopard … I do not want to become big cat supper on our first night in Africa! (another roar)

Ranger Rom Hmm, yes that was rather loud! Oh well, think I just might retire into my shell! Nighty night!

Romiko As if you’re safe in there! A big cat can chomp a tortoise shell in one bite!

Ranger Rom Oh … Well how about you tuck me in your backpack and we’ll scoot up that there tree?

Romiko If it’s a leopard it’ll come straight up after us!

Ranger Rom And if it’s a lion it might prowl round the bottom for days and starve us out!

Ranger RomRomiko HELP!

(Massive roar. A big cat pads into the firelight - a huge, spotted cat)

Ranger RomRomiko AHH!!!

Lisha Purrr … You guys look pret-ty tassty! A very welcome addition to the menu

Romiko I-I c-can assure you, Ms Leopard, that I’m actually very stringy and gristly -

Ranger Rom And turtle soup is h-highly overrated!

The leopard smiles and strolls closer

Lisha OK, which one of you is entrée?

Pouncing on Romiko!

Romiko, Ranger Rom and Lisha, where Lisha pounces on Romiko

Ranger RomRomiko (pointing at one another) Him!!

The leopard stops Lisha Say, Tortoise. Before I eat you - haven’t I seen you somewhere before?

Ranger Rom Ah … p-possibly! Was it on … sa - fur - i?

Lisha Ha - don’t make me roar with laughter! But seriously, that’s a beautiful pattern you’ve got on your shell. It does seem a pity to crunch into it …

Ranger Rom Oh, d-definitely! Actually, I’m not just your everyday, average tortoise! I’m an extremely rare, geometric tortoise! There are only two or three hundred of us left in the wild! S-so if you eat me, there’ll be one less!

Lisha Oh - that’s where I remember you from! The gang of poachers that kidnapped you tried to capture me as well! But when I tasted one of their legs - hmm, delicious! - they decided I was going to be just too much trouble and released me, out of their net. They simply had to settle for a less glamorous creature - boring old helpless you!

Ranger Rom Anything you say, oh sleek and beautiful Leopard!

Lisha Yes, I am pretty purrrfect …

Romiko I-I couldn’t agree more!

Lisha OK guys, flattery will get you everwhere! I’ll let you be my buddies, rather than dinner.

Ranger RomRomiko Gasp!! Thank you!!

Lisha I’m Lisha, by the way, Lisha Leopard.

Romiko Pleased (gulp!) to meet you! I’m Romiko, and this is Ranger Rom.

Lisha Since you seemed like a couple of tasty morsels, I’ve been stalking you guys for a while. You look like you’re all set for some adventures!

Romiko Yep, in a couple of weeks we’re going to learn how to become professional field guides. In the meantime we’re just having fun -

Ranger Rom Beating about the bush!

Lisha So, here’s the deal. Seeing you two are such poor, defenceless creatures, I’m going to stick around. Believe you me, it’s just not safe out here, in the wild on your own! You need someone powerful and beautiful and clever -

Ranger Rom - and modest

Lisha What was that?

Romiko (digging Ranger Rom in the shell) Nothing!!

Lisha You two need my protection. So - I’m coming with you!

Romiko Hey, thanks Lisha!

Ranger Rom It’ll be great to have you round when there’s a spot of bother …

Lisha There’s only one problem.

Ranger Rom What’s that?

Lisha What am I going to eat for supper now?

Romiko (Holding up stick) Erm … marshmallows?

Romiko, Ranger Rom and Lisha, where Lisha braaing marshmallows

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